The Edge Church
Welcome to Edge Church
If you aren’t living on the Edge you are taking up too much room! If you are tired of the humdrum traditional church where the traditions of men make the Word of God of non-effect then we invite you to join us. We endeavor to make the Word of God relevant to your life so you can be on the cutting Edge of what God is doing throughout the earth. We minister the Word of God line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little there a little.

We Bring God Into Your Life!

rhema's story

pete's story

robert's story

lori's story

Pastor Lonnie & Barbara Jarvis
Everyone needs a daily intake of the Word of God that will enable us to grow spiritually. We also need the Rhema preached Word of God that will challenge us to do more to expand the Kingdom of God. You will find an atmosphere of love and compassion that will compel you to look outside the four walls of the church to a lost and dying world that needs Jesus. Come and allow us to equip you for the work of the ministry—-that is reconciling men, women, boys and girls back to God. We believe in the super-natural power of God that saves the lost, heals the sick and sets the captives free.